Our hams are made from scratch using heritage pork from Stillmeadow farms, located in Metchosin BC. They are boneless, brined for a week in a savoury solution and then get double smoked on natural hickory. These hams are fully cooked and just need to be reheated gently, they are mild enough that you can add your own glaze near the end if you would like to but are also great just as is.
Sizing: Whole hams are approximately 6lbs and half hams are approximately 3lbs.
Pickup will be available from Dec. 21st to Dec. 24th.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Greetings and salutations! We are excited to again offer holiday meals this Christmas Season. This Dinner is aimed to feed 4 to 6 people (if you need to feed more, feel free to add multiple dinners) with the intent to be taken home and easily cooked/reheated. If you are searching for a smaller meal, please revisit the events page and click the smaller dinner located on the 23rd.
**Please note**, the boneless turkey roll comes raw, it just needs to be placed in a roasting pan and baked until you reach an internal of 165F. The rest of the meal is totally finished and just needs to heated and plated. Pickup is on Sunday December 24th from 11am-2pm at our kitchen(4-515 Dupplin Rd.)
All components of this meal were made and assembled by a small teams with a big passion for good food. Below you will find the menu. Thank you and we hope you enjoy! Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Email us at haussausageco@gmail.com or give us a call. Tickets will be on sale until December 21st or until sold out.
Maple Rosemary Turkey Roll
Smoked Porchetta
Spiced Walnut and Apple Stuffing
Garlic Mashed Potato
Roasted Northstar Organic Vegetables
Fennel & Raisin Slaw
Country Gravy
Sour Cherry & Cranberry
Great Mustard
Dessert by GoodSide Pastry House